Python- Variables and Datatypes

Variables are container which hold values. Container may be string,number or boolean.

Example x=12("=" operator where x is the variable name with value 10 )

Data Types

Data types define the type of values a variable can hold. Here are some common data types with simple examples:

Integers (int): Whole numbers without decimals.

  • Floats (float): Numbers with decimals.

  • Strings (str): Text or characters enclosed in single or double quotes.

  • Booleans (bool): Represents either True or False.

  • Lists (list): Ordered collection of items.

  • Tuples (tuple): Similar to lists but immutable (cannot be changed).

  • Dictionaries (dict): Collection of key-value pairs.

  • Sets (set): Unordered collection of unique items.

  • NoneType (None): Represents the absence of a value or a null value.

    Typecasting :

  • Typecasting in Python involves converting one data type to another.